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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The purpose of leadership

Discipline. Rom. 13:1-5 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.  Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.”
No organization or family will succeed without  discipline. The offender should be punished and the obedient praised. A leader should not be partial in judgment. 
Leadership is there to care for the welfare of God’s people. God is looking for people who care.
Ez. 34:5-6 “…scattered because there is no shepherd.”
1Pet.5:2-3 “Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.”
a)      You have to feed them – with the word of God. As much as possible a leader should create jobs for his followers
b)      Taking oversight – to be mentally sensitive to their needs. People should have good families, good jobs, good businesses etc.
c)      By being examples of good Christians to their followers.
For guidance and decision making. A vote or crowd does not equal decision. After all suggestions, somebody has to stand and articulate the decision. Note that the majority is not always right.
Look at the level of the followers – don’t compromise when their opinion is wrong – stand for the right decision. Sometimes you have to stand alone. There is time of rejection .
Jn. 6:68 “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.  Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.
Even when they reject you, stand for the truth. Those that love the truth will definitely abide.
Acts 15:19 “Wherefore my sentence is…” Every successful leader is a commander. Having heard all their opinion, you have to stick out your neck and take the right decision. Indecision is dangerous. You cannot become a leader until you become yourself. You are a leader when you can articulate your views.
Remember that posterity will forgive you if you make a decision and fail than that you did not make a decision at all.
Orderliness – there must be a way for doing things and everybody is expected to comply.
Modeling. Jesus used most of his ministry teaching his followers - thus reproducing himself in them.  He had the first 3, the 12, the 70, 120 and the multitude.
Leadership is graduated – that means you move from one level to another. Don’t let people into leadership without training and proving them. A person that is not trained cannot be trusted.
Don’t appoint people who love leadership into position – it is destructive. Put people who feel empty – they are ready to learn – they are humble and meek.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Eph. 6:8 “Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.”  Some people spoil an issue when it does not favor them. When it comes to their turn heaven will open the book of records for reference. Vs. 10, Addressing the family he said, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might”
Angels existed before man. Michael was in charge of warring angels, Gabriel was in charge of messenger angels while Lucifer was in charge of singing angels. In Is. 14:11–15, When he (Lucifer) was cast out into the earth there was a lamentation “...Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you…”  Rev. 12:12b
Gen. 3:1-5 Satan went to the family to turn it against God. Satan from the onset has been targeting the family. Every family should put on the whole amour of God because if Satan can get the family, he has gotten the whole nation – the armor is for every member of the family.
Our weapons are; the Name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus and the Word of God..Eph. 6:12, It is not physical wrestling – it is spiritual and requires spiritual weapons..vs 13,Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day” There is an evil day so Satanic attack is not everyday..vs 14, ‘truth’ with truth you can overcome the Satan. Every truth you receive constitutes a weapon against the enemy – make sure you are operating in the truth. 
Righteousness is a gift. It means right standing with God – without sense of guilt  or inferiority. Never allow wickedness into your home. Grow in righteousness, don’t carry sin consciousness and don’t depend on confession of sins.  Receive grace to live in the consciousness of your  righteousness in Christ.
Rom. 8:1-2 “…law of the Spirit” is the law of righteousness. Sin is a nature. When you are born again God kills that nature – you begin to abhor the bad things you used to do before.
Rom. 1:16-17 “… the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth…” Equip your home with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Don’t welcome bad news to your home. Your home should be a garden of love. Don’t do casting prayer in your home. The demons you cast out keep lurking around the home – that is the reason you see funny things in children of prayer contractors.
Eph. 6:16, “Shield of faith” No matter what is going on, stand by faith and defend your home. As long as it persists, resist it – don’t give up remember “ the just shall live by his faith.” Hab. 2:4b.  If you don’t like the way your child is developing, begin to declare the Word of God on him. Hold hands with your spouse and pray in agreement. Mt. 18:19. “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” Don’t look down on yourself - remember daddy Noah -  every man is a pastor in his home.
Vs. 17a, “Helmet of salvation” Ensure that every member of your family is saved. If you are not saved, you are not safe.
Vs. 17:b, “Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God” Every believer should know the Word of God – it is the one you know that you will release – and when you do, the Holy Spirit has raw materials for the work.
 I pray that the power that is in the Word of God works in your life. Amen. Praise God.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


1.      Leaders should be people who know that they have been called by God and anointed by his spirit. Rom. 13
2.      Leaders should be zealous and be able to inspire and motivate others for the work of the ministry.
3.      Leaders should be stable, firm and dependable – be decision makers – should not be tossed to and fro.
4.      Leaders should be good listeners
5.      Leaders should have thankful heart – learn to appreciate their followers.
6.      Leaders should be skillful in what they do – should be above their followers.
7.      Leaders should be forgiving – should not be vindictive.
8.      Leaders should be peacemakers – reason for correction is restoration.
9.      Leaders should be dedicated, loyal and committed to their followers.
10.  A good leader should take center stage.
11.  Leaders should be contented.
12.  Leaders should always be honest, sincere and trustworthy.
13.  Leaders should be able to guide people to God.
14.  Leaders should be able to judge between right and wrong.
15.   Leaders must live a disciplined life.
16.  Leaders should be generous – willing to give than to receive.
17.  Leaders should nurture, cherish the group and be able to take care of them.
18.  Leaders should have the heart of unity.
19.  Leaders should be totally available to God.
20.  Leaders should not be fearful – should be bold.
21.  Leaders should be righteous and pure in character.
22.  Leaders should be focused, determined and committed.
23.  Leaders should be diligent, watching over their groups, making sure they are doing what they are expected to do.


Ideas for reproducing  yourself in leadership

You will inspire followers to become leaders. You are a successful leader when you have followers who can lead others. Success without successor is a failure. Train people in the family to take over from you.
Cultivate ideas of follow up.
1Thess.                  Follow up is a process whereby you integrate a person into the church until he is established. Follow up is as crucial as the first milk a person takes. These essentials must be planted in the heart of a new member – to read the word, pray, share their faith with others.
Follow up must be done by men of integrity -  they must have compassion and love for God.

Effective follow-up

1.      You must be two – one person must not go. Consider the marital status of the fellow you want to visit.
2.      Try to meet spiritual and physical needs. Build a relationship bridge – find out what he is doing – hold hand and pray.
3.       Create friendly atmosphere with him.
4.      Never forget to minister the word and pray and encourage him and invite him.
The rules
1.      Don’t lose track of your goal – be persistent – but don’t pester him – integrate him into appropriate fellowship – please respect societal norms – if you are a youth following up an elderly person, always show respect.
2.      Don’t ask for favor, brighten up (God has been helping us).
3.      Don’t mystify yourself and take the place of God.
4.      Don’t introduce a token – don’t introduce a handkerchief, olive oil etc. – tell him about Jesus only – that is sufficient.
How do we build membership?
It is built up by active members i.e. why the Pastor has invited us. The strength of the church lies on us working with one accord (unity). Assign responsibility using men in their areas of gifting and equipment. Encourage them to contribute to matters affecting the group. Don’t do all the talking alone. Encourage them to set the base. Have a clear cut vision – to call back men to God. Any meeting we are going to have, let it touch the life of people.
Ask ‘’If you want to be our member, rise up and come to the altar’’. Pray for them;
Pray for their families, pray for their health, pray for their business, pray for their needs.
Finally, every meeting must end with an altar call (for salvation). Encourage people to desire Holy Ghost baptism. The only difference between two organizations, churches, fellowships is the quality of leadership – not the environment.
The quality of your harvest is dependent on the quality of your seed. When men’s needs are met, they stay in the church.
Finally, can God trust us? Maintain creative dissatisfaction – you are not satisfied with what you have done - you want to improve.



Introduction. The first impression can keep or drive your member. The first thing is to call men back to God.
Some leaders are committed to themselves. Leaders are not born, leaders are made. God is interested in what we do as leaders. Leaders are disciplined to deliberately exert influence on a people so as to move them to do or put in process the mechanism that will move us towards achieving a goal. – there must be a vision (goal) which will propel us to have a mission.
Num. 27:12-17 vs.16 ‘’--- let the Lord ---set a man over  the congregation.’’

How can a leader be effective? Deut. 17:15 ‘’Thou shall in any wise set him king over thee---.’’
1.      A leader must be somebody close to the people – you must be part of them. There must be a relationship; he must be a prototype (a sample that becomes a reference point).
2.      You must be an example of what your followers are expected to be. 1Tim. 4:12 ‘’Be thou an example of believers---‘’
3.      The leader must be knowledgeable and know where we are going. Moses led the Israelites. God told him he was taken them to a land flowing with milk and honey. If you don’t have a defined goal everybody will be doing his own thing his own way. You have to be ahead of the people. If you are at par with your fellowship members, you are no longer their leader. You should hunger to be ahead – by reading, exhortation, doctrine, balanced in the Holy Spirit.
4.      Leadership is effective when the goals and targets, dreams or visions of the group are met through a good mission and you are able to communicate it to the members. Mission is applying the right men and equipment. The leader should not wear a long face.
5.      When the following is done through a deliberate commitment.
·         When the needs of the people are met (finance, prayers, word, counsel and visitation). You can meet needs when you are observant.
·         Sustaining endeavor to make deliberate effort to make attractive, beautiful and worthwhile. Dinner, testimonies, words can be sponsored by Men’s fellowship, Youth fellowship, CWFI etc.
6.      Depend on the Holy Spirit for ideas.
7.    If we have to be good leaders, we should learn to delegate duties. The best way to delegate authorities is to try people in little things and then increase their responsibility. If you have a shop, have somebody to run it with you. It is not proper if you are going out, you lock your shop. Create groups and let people have sense of belonging.
8.      Always create a project and keep the people busy. Committee system is very useful.
9.    Always have appropriate program designed to meet needs. Organize business meetings and call in a resource fellow. Organize marriage seminar.
10.  An effective leader should be adaptable to changes. Don’t be afraid to withdraw your orders i.e. humility.
11. An effective leader reproduces himself in others.
12.  Always plan. If you don’t plan to succeed, you are planning to fail. You must have a purpose and always be patient. A leader must be FAT (Faithful, Availability, Teachable). You may not be the one that knows all things but you are faithful, available and teachable.